Thursday, February 18, 2010

Reality of Japan

12 days with 5 of my favorite people in Japan resulted in unforgettable memories, awesome pictures, and a reminder of how many people have never even had access to the gospel.

In Japan we were able to experience the natural beauty of the island and the hospitality of the people. This trip also brought with it continuous reminders that less than 1% of the country practice Christianity. The majority of the population is either Buddhist or Shinto.

i've learned about different religions in philosophy classes, but i've never been so closely immersed into a people that have never even had access to knowing who Jesus Christ is.

In a recent article in TIME magazine:

The Lamb of God, an ancient symbol dear to most Christians, is an offensive notion to the Japanese. To them the lamb is 'a dirty, stupid, and cringing animal.'

We know and can believe,

The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him and said, "Look! There is the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!" ~John 1:29

As i became overwhelmed with the reality that i could barely communicate with the people i was surrounded by and realizing how steeped in tradition the culture in Japan is, i wondered how in the world i could ever show them the Love of God.
Jesus looked at them intently and said, "Humanly speaking it is impossible. But not with God. Everything is possible with God." ~Mark 10:27
Walking past the Tokyo Union Church from the sidewalk you could hear the organ playing Amazing Grace. Holy ground was found. God was so present in that moment. He reminded me that sharing the gospel isn't something that any of us can do on our own.

My job was to plant the seed in your hearts, and Apollos watered it, but it was God, not we, who made it grow. ~1 Corinthians 3:6

My host family, the Osaki's, took me in with open arms and compassion. As we departed at the train station my heart broke for them even more though. The three generations of the family that i met had never seen a Bible before and had never met a 'real life' Christian as they said. Whoa! They were all so happy together, yet they lived a life that was missing out on the very joy that my life sustains on.

My Japanese family provided me with a home stay that was full of love, and we built a connection that i'll never forget. However, the greatest impact they've had on me is the reality that we are surrounded by people who don't know that Christ even exists.

Fulfilling the Great Commission is something that can only be done by the Power of God. He has commanded all of us to be a part of His desire to hear praise from every tongue, tribe, and nation before His throne. (Check out Revelations's beautiful!)

God so loves the world!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Without Fear

Sitting at 7th and Madison on a park bench in Washington D.C. there was a overwhelming reality that there is a decision that i need to make. This decision will affect the way i view the world, the circumstances i'm in, and myself.

I've always been a person who worries. I become anxious about following a designated game plan. I lose sleep over future plans and following God's will. So many times i just want to make my brain stop. As I was sitting on the park bench, it had been one of those afternoons, so many concerns just kept pouring in. I wanted to enjoy our team time, not be anxious.

Hmm...while I waited i realized that all of my concerns could be traced back to a single characteristic or flaw, i was fearful. FEAR was captivating my every thought, every relationship, every action i had taken and planned on taking. There was no reason for my FEAR, in fact i had every reason to be content.

As i sat people-watching from my bench in the park i knew that it was a conscious decision that i had to make. i was causing my own FEAR, i was inducing my own paralysis, it was my fault. My emotions were getting the best of me and it wasn't until i returned back to truth that i could make a decision.

Some of the truths i returned to:
"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go." ~Joshua 1:9
i love Jesus.
"He will give you everything you need day to day, if you live for Him and make the Kingdom of God your primary concern." ~Matthew 6:33

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." ~Jeremiah 29:11

As i was reciting this verses in my mind, i had a homeless women with 4 children approach me for money, several tourists who spoke no English needed directions, and i watched hundreds of people working fervantly towards a career. Each of these have far greater concerns and challenges in their life than a college student leaving her dream could even imagine having. Yet at this moment i couldn't escape my own selfish challenge.
i love Jesus. i love Jesus.
i had to decide...Do i TRUST God?

Is my TRUST in God going to outweigh the FEAR i have about life? (i give this idea lipservice, but i had to decide are the actions in my life going to validate my decision.

I decided... i do TRUST Him. I TRUST Him with ALL of my life including: my today, my purpose now, my future, and my relationships.

Getting up from the park bench i knew that i could be a different person. A person more focused on Him after being reminded of His greatness. A person who remembers her place beneath the cross.