Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Know You’re Loved


If I could do just one thing to change the world….it would be to help every single person know they are Loved.

I spend time frequently trying to figure out how I can make this dream/mission/vision a reality. The BEST part of my schedule is the one-on-one conversations that I  get to share with people. Whether we meet in the library or the union, at somebody’s house to study, or at one of Manhattan’s fine coffee shops.  lasdjfalsdkfjalsdkf    (Radina’s is a favorite!) Philly w Mom 038

Philly w Mom 040

                  While hiding away in Radina’s, with a cup of coffee and a great friend, it’s amazing how quickly a conversation can reveal the joys and trials we face in life. Getting to share in these troubles we generally face in life, stands as a constant reminder of how miniscule and small they really are.

For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.

  alkdjfal;kdsjflkjadflk                   ~2 Corinthians 4:7

As each of these small investments in another person’s life comes to a close, I find walking to the parking lot that my prayer is the same for each girl that I meet with.

1.) They can know God’s Love even deeper than before

2.) They can see themselves as the beautiful creation they are


If we miss the basic fact that we’re each made perfect in God’s own image, we will struggle in chasing the cross in all other aspects.

So God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created Him; male and female he created them.                                               ~Genesis 1:27


Not kidding, almost every time… it’s the same. Every single woman, struggles with being content and with being reminded that they were beautifully fashioned by the God of this universe.

The Lord God fashioned into a woman the rib which He had taken from the man, and brought her to the man. llkasdfl;kajdsflkajdflajdfladdfljadldfjas~Genesis 2:22

To an extent, it’s comforting to know that I’m not the only who struggles with being reminded of my Creator, but on the other hand with so many others struggling… when are we going to change? Who is going to go against all that we’ve been told in this society and believe that we were made perfect?

When we, ladies, don’t remember this fact of our Creator, we lose sight of who we were made by and what we were made for. We easily forget that we are loved by the Holy God of this universe.

Night with the Stars

How do we reverse a discontentment that takes a strong enough grip on our life that it affects everything else?

Obviously, not knowing how this works out in a man’s life, I can only speak for most women that discontentment eventually reveals itself in all other things that we do. Our interactions with people and our performance in school or work is more difficult. We find we struggle in the continuum of maturity that comes in a personal relationship with Christ.

On this blog, since this aspect of contentment is so important and evident in many people’s lives, I’d like to take some time and focus on some of God’s promises. In applying these promises to our lives, how can we not only view ourselves differently but how we can confirm these promises is our lives.

A person will radiate God’s beauty the most when they know they are LOVED!

1 comment:

Lyndi said...

I love reading your blog! I am sure you have heard the song by Jonny Diaz "More Beautiful You". I like listening to the KLOVE radio station on iTunes and they always have have little tidbits about artists. One day it was about Jonny Diaz and he was saying that he didn't realize how many women struggled with their contentment in themselves until he got married. His goal now is to write songs that will send the message to women that they are all individually, beautifully and wonderfully made. I just thought this was neat!