Friday, June 12, 2009

Essentials of a Student

Earlier this week I had the afternoon off from work and spent it by the swimming pool reading the book “Brown Like Coffee” by The List Guy. (Awesome book; I’d highly recommend it!) The biggest take away that I had from the book was this.

10 Essentials for Every Student
*Choose a Life Purpose
*Develop a Biblical Worldview
*Seek Out the Right Friends
*Join a Good Church
*Form Study Habits
*Initiate Personal Ministry
*Set Up Dating Standard
*Maintain Balance
*Appreciate Your Parents
*Keep Graduation in Mind

During the day I kept going back to this list over and over again. As I read I continously reflected on how these essentials have or have not been expressed in my life thus far.

Seek Out the Right Friends

Let us consider how we may spur one another onto
Love and good deeds. ~ Hebrews 10:24

So far these last two weeks have landed me right in the middle of living with seven absolutely amazing girls. Each of them are seeking to become more Christ-like each day; when I come home from work, I appreciate nothing more than sitting down and listening to these girls and their stories. One night in particular we sat around the table and laughed and laughed about nothing more than how unique laughs are. We literally were falling out of our chairs with tears in our eyes as we pointed out our uniqueness! This lead to a game of ‘What If.’ A personal favorite, what if God made us so that our knees bent backwards instead of forward…how would chairs be made differently, what about cars.
This ridiculous game then lead to us talking about how awesome it is that God did it perfect the first time around. He made the human body so intricate, so complicated, yet so perfect when He made the first humans, Adam and Eve.
These girls are awesome because what could have been a normal evening resulted in the resounding promise that God is perfect!

Appreciate Your Parents

Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right.
~Ephesians 6:1

While spending some time at a Starbucks in Destin, I realized that I was sitting next to a son who was sharing the Gospel with his mother for the first time. I was extremely touched by this scene, as I began to think of my own parents. Immediately, I called my mom up and told her that I had just realized how difficult it was for them to send me down here to Florida for the summer.
Placing myself in my parents' shoes for even just a few moments reminded me of how blessed I am to have the parents I do. A friend of mine told me that I could never respect my parents too much. They were absolutely right…
I can never show my parents too much appreciation or respect.

Form Study Habits

All scripture is useful for teaching, correcting, rebuking, and training in righteousness so that man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work. 2 Timothy 3:16-17

One of my goals for my time here at Kaleo is to become self-feeder off of the Word. Scheduling time each day to become consumed by the Word, memorizing scripture, completing inductive, attending training, etc. has proven to create a much busier schedule than I had anticipated.
Yesterday morning I realized that if I don’t form solid study habits now, then there is no way that I will be able to be as bound by scripture, during the school year when I do have other classes, homework, or test to study for, as I want to be.

I could keep going as to how these essentials continue to be revealed in my life. I ask myself, in which of these areas am I the strongest in? Which am I the weakest in? In order for a person to be the most strategic college student that they can be, I truly believe that each of these essentials must be evident in their lifestyle.

If I'm at college for any other reason than to spread the gospel, then I'm only here for selfish reasons." ~Brown Like Coffee

I love God....I love HIm very much! To Him I shall serve.

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