Valentine’s Day is one of my favorite days of the entire year. Basically, we get to walk around all day long and tell people how fabulous they are, how much we love them, and how much we enjoy having them in our lives.
From conversations, not quite everyone (you know who you are) has the same sort of joyful expressions towards a holiday focused on love. Granted, it is a really great reminder of your Facebook relationship status…but it shouldn’t be a day that instills doubt.
One doubt in our mind sparks a whole series of questions because we’ve all been there….well at least i have.
"Am i loveable? If i’m not what can i do to change that?Will i ever find someone who can find me worthy to be loved? Why do i go unnoticed?
Speaking for all of the ladies, these questions plague us continuously, or they can if we allow them to.
At a campus ministry relationship panel a staff member quoted “The degree to which we’re content in singleness is the degree we’ll be content in marriage.”
Awesome. That’s a lot easier said than done, but resolving to be content starts with setting our focus on what is of God.
“Fix your thoughts on what is true, honorable, right. Think about things that are pure, lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.” ~Philippians 4:8
Reasons to Find Contentment in Singleness:
* We Want God’s Best- His best is found only in following God’s path.
*This is a time to prepare for marriage-it’s hard to be a servant, to give one’s life away to another. If we want to be the best spouse someday, God-willing, we should start learning how to be a servant to others now.
*Character qualities don’t appear overnight. It takes years to create a track record of character.
*Never again will we have so much time to give to God. Relationships take time. Build a foundation with God now.
*We’re worth it.
Even as a kid we knew that waiting to open Christmas gifts until Christmas morning was worth it. Waiting until God’s perfect timing—i’m absolutely convinced---will be worth it.
He was fully convinced that God is able to do whatever He promises. ~Romans 4:21
Best Advice i ever heard on Relationships:
If i want a King, i must focus now on becoming a Queen.